Mundart - Ruhrdeutsch: Covers overview
We show all available covers of this translation, also when a title is published more than once with minor changes only.
The order of the covers is according the local publishing date, which in many cases is not equal to the original French publishing order.

Publisher: Delta Verlach, Stuttgaat.
Zoff im Pott [15] (3.1998) /15/ (2018:15+27) Asterix sein Ulligen [27] (4.1999) /25/ Tour de Ruhr [5] (7.2016) /72/ Dingenskirchen [17] (6.2018) /75/ Voll auffe Omme! [7] (8.2019) /79/ Keine Kohle mehr im Pott [13] (9.2020) /81/ Die dickste Buxe vom Revier [23] (4.2022) /88/
Voll Panne, die Römers [10] (5.2023) /90/ Glück auf, der Gallier kommt [1] (10.2024) /xx/

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